Getting Ready for My Closeup

Great White Shark My next International Trip will feature a close encounter with this guy, or maybe his cousin. Either way, I’m super excited to have an opportunity like this. There are only two places in the world where you can legally cage dive with Great Whites, and I am certainly not going to miss my chance! Some people may question the cost-benefit of participating in this kind of ‘crazy’ activity, and normally I would agree that an experience is not worth dying for. However, in my anxiety-filled anticipation of this experience, I have done some research. The following famous people have done it and lived to tell about it: Brad Pitt, Cameron Diaz and Sting. Well – that’s all I need to know!

Jokes aside, this is a very safe and awesome thing to do if you are ever travelling in South Africa or Australia. I will be sure to let you all know how it goes! In addition to cage diving, the trip will likely include a short safari, sandboarding, petting cheetahs (I hope!) and, of course, wine. Trip number 4 of my ‘see all the things‘ year is shaping up to be Spectacular!

Adventures in World Travel

I have three weeks of vacation per year. That can’t possibly be enough to travel the world, can it? We’ll see. Balinese Temple

Travel. After baking (and of course eating), travel is my favorite activity. I am always thinking about where to go next, trying to prioritize the different destinations on my list and then plan when and how to get there. I have been to many beautiful, amazing places in this world. And I know that what I have seen is just the beginning. There is so much more!

That brings me to my current pursuit. This year, 2012 – 2013 is what I will call my ‘see all the things‘ year. After a few years of barely any travel because of work and financial limitations, my husband and I are going everywhere we possibly can. First, to Asia (like, half of it), second, to Canada (because, well, I hadn’t been there yet) and then to Bavaria and the Alps, and finally, soon, to South Africa! In case you were wondering, that is 9 countries and 4 trips in 9 months. So, like I said, see all the things! Stay tuned for the highlights, people.

Thailand Alps Rothenburg