New things around the web

As I’ve mentioned before, I tend to have a bit of free time to sit and surf the interwebs (or just read good and not-so-good novels), so I’ve decided to blog my top finds with you regularly. I plan to only post the interesting and/or helpful things I read related to nutrition, lifting and life. So, grab a cup of coffee, have a seat and enjoy! Cat Reading

1. A fascinating ‘expose’ on artificial light and sleep disruption, including why it will probably kill you. Seriously.

2. If you haven’t read Time’s Bitter Pill yet, you’ve probably been hiding under a rock (or are from a country with a much better health system). Either way, check it out. This needs to stop.

3. This kick-ass article from veteran NFL player and CrossFit Football founder John Welbourn taught me that I’m only doing half the things I need to be doing everyday.

What other awesome articles have you found lately? Leave a comment below if you have thoughts on these topics.

What are your thoughts?